Chest workout is always at a high priority on everyone’s mind those who are serious with bodybuilding. High priority on the basis not to show off the popping up chest inside the shirt to girls. But on the basis that these persons are serious with bodybuilding, they want to secure the 1st place in bodybuilding competitions. As of the situation now is critical and all the gyms are closed. All the bodybuilders and the beginners who wish to start their journey of bodybuilding are now looking for chest workout at home. For my valuable readers today I’m here with the best chest workout that can be done at home.

How to Build a Perfect Chest at Home?
During lockdown try to be safe, workout at home. If you don’t work out for 1 long year then your physique may become down but don’t worry. I can understand your feelings, after this when again gym reopens at that time workout the double that you use to do previously. Again you will gain back your physique and at least recover 50% of your time that is getting wasted now. A good diet, proper sleep, and freehand workout will build a perfect chest at home. For overall chest building, you need to do incline and decline pushups, broad hand pull-ups. And if you can buy a resistance band then you can do more chest workouts.
5 Best Chest Workout Routine at Home During Lockdown
Here I have discussed the best chest workout routine at home. I have experienced that a gradual increase of +2 reps after each set has shown the best result in pumping my chest. I have shared the same chest workout routine that I’m now following at my home.
- Incline Pushup – 4 sets each of 10, 12, 14, 16 reps respectively.
- Decline Pushup – 4 sets each of 10, 12, 14, 16 reps respectively.
- Wide Handed Pull-up – 5 sets each of 8, 10, 12, 14, 16 reps respectively.
- Bench Press with Resistance Band – 4 sets each of 10, 12, 14, 16 reps respectively. For doing this workout you need a Resistance Band and a Bench. And that’s all you need for set up to do this workout at your home.
- Butterfly with Resistance Band – 3 sets each of 10, 12, 14 reps respectively. You just need a Resistance Band to do this workout at your home. If you have any queries related to workout no. 4 & 5 then you may ask me in the comment section below.

Chest Pain After Workout is it Normal?
Yes, it is quite normal. You workout for any muscle, if it is performed correctly then definitely it will pain. The pain will somewhat feel like that you can resist, don’t worry it will not make you cry. For beginners, you all might be worried why my muscles are paining? Is it happening just with me? Is it due to doing a workout in the wrong posture? First of all, you may know this pain is normal. Whenever you join the gym newly or rejoin the gym after 2 to 3 months you will experience this kind of pain. And experts will also experience this pain when they rejoin the gym. If you feel extreme pain in muscle then that is a muscle injury. In that case, you may ask your trainer about that.
How to Pump Up Chest During Chest Workout?
If you only go on working out all day that will not really help you get a perfect physique. During chest workout, you have to keep in mind that your chest gets pumped up perfectly while workout. Keep in mind if your chest doesn’t get pumped up while workout then you might be doing a workout in the wrong posture. Correct posture is very important while you workout. If any workout is performed in the wrong posture then that can also result in serious muscle injury. And for experts, if you are not getting sufficient pump while workout. Then go for fewer weights than you generally take and do more reps. This idea is 100% workable, I have tried this in many of my clients.
Can I do Regular Chest Workout?
After Chest workout, Muscle Recovery time of chest is 36 hours. After one & half day you can again do chest workout. I do not suggest you to work on your chest within this 36 hours again. If you are working out again in this 36 hours then you are not giving muscle recovery time to your chest. As a result you will face late muscle gain. My recommendation is, if today you are working out on your chest then after 36 hours you can do chest workout again to see faster muscle gain.