Semen Retention or No Fap can bring about a vast variety of changes in your life. If followed properly it can make your life like a dream, and help you achieve the limits you dream of. This is the second article of the No Fap Timeline.
If you haven’t read the first article, I urge you to read NO FAP TIMELINE: FROM ADDICTED TO BEAST MODE, EACH PHASE EXPLAINED.
We have discussed the No Fap Benefits in the first one month. In this article, we’ll discuss the astounding benefits from one month into No Fap.
One Month Into the No Fap Timeline: Day 30 (Post One Month)
You’ll achieve a state of crystal clear mental clarity. You can’t realize the meaning of smooth until you’ve reached one month of the No Fap Timeline!

It can bring about staggering benefits in your life. These are the few benefits you’ll encounter, when you’re just one month into No Fap Routine.
- Sharp Focus
- Mental Clarity
- Proper Execution of Work
- Stamina and Good Mood
- Improved Sex Life
- Flirting Skills
- Massive Boost in Confidence
In one word, the Day 7 Confidence will return post one month. But this time, the benefits will stay.
Getting Stronger: 60 Days- 90 Days ( The Chick Magnet)
During the 60 Days to 90 Days period, you’ll go through a plateau. As the name suggests, you won’t get any more confident or alive than you had past day 30.
But in one thing you’ll get immediate success and that is courting women. This one I can vouch for you that you’ll definitely develop. Before I started my No Fap journey, I wasn’t a bigshot when it came to girls. I used to stutter around or got nervous whenever I came to the proximity of a girl.
Past the 60 days in the No Fap Timeline, I noticed I could speak to girls with more confidence; in fact the girls liked my company!
I’d sound insane but it did happen. It was like suddenly the girls were finding me more attractive, some of them even complimented that I had a strong masculine charm.
How did this happen? Well after I researched more into this topic I came into a clear conclusion. When you stop watching porn and stop fapping, you immediately stop comparing yourself to those fictional porn guys. Because of this, you get more masculine and your confidence boosts a lot.
You’ll also want to take proper care of your looks at this stage. For this, you can try out a wide variety of amazing sports and fitness wear at They have a fantastic range of fitness and gym wear at exceptional prices. Make sure you check them out, and perk up your gym look!
What Happens After That? What Happens when you Hit the One Year Mark?
To be honest with you, I never went past the 6-month streak. The highest I’d gone myself was just some days above 5 months. So even if I write above this point, it won’t be based on my personal experience.
But there’s one thing I should tell you, that life gets extremely interesting once you get into the No Fap Journey. You’ll see visible benefits and ultimately it’ll help you overcome the habit of masturbation for good.
Will you Lose All the Benefits Once You Masturbate? Does Nightfall or Having Sex Make you Lose Progress?
I would love to tell you otherwise, but you will lose all the benefits if you fap. This will happen overnight, and you’ll have to start all over again.
I know it’s harsh, but that’s the reality. However, don’t get this to demotivate you from starting the No Fap Journey altogether. The benefits you’ll notice and the skills you’ll gain are a lot more valuable than this small drawback.
Nightfall or having sex does not make you lose progress.
The Conclusion
Finally, we reached the end of the No Fap Timeline Article. In the end, I’d like to remind you one simple thing: This Journey Won’t be easy, and You Will Fail!
I know it’s not the best motivation but it’s a fact. You will fail, and fail repeatedly when you’re in the No Fap Journey. Nobody succeeds the first few times they take the channel.
But make sure you stay in the game and keep coming back! Never lose hope, and gather as much information as you can on this topic.
We at wish you all the best on your journey, and assure you that we’ll bring more great content on No Fap later on!
Very useful and to the point information. Thank you so Much Preetam and Go Fitness Pro