fat cutter drink recipe

Fat Cutter Drink Recipe – Lose Fat with this in Just 4 Simple Steps

Why do we need a Fat Cutter Drink Recipe? We all start working out in the gym with some predetermined goal in our mind. Some of us might want to gain extra muscle, while some may target losing an extra few inches from the front. However, as we start hitting the gym and make some progress the whole picture comes into clarity.

IT IS NOT EASY TO BUILD A PROPER PHYSIQUE! The only reason I wrote that in bold, is to make you understand the fact that is true for 95% of the people that hit the gym. It is only after 6-7 months of trial, error, and rigorous training that one may see some changes in his/her body.

So is this necessary? Is their no other way to bypass this thing?

Unfortunately, no. However, their is a way you can fasten things up a bit. And that changes can be made through few changes inn your diet. So, in today’s article I’ve brought you a simple fat loss diet recipe that can help you on your journey of physical development.


Why Do You Need a Fat Cutter Drink Recipe?

fat cutter drink recipe

You might ask me, “Why do we need a Fat Cutter Drink Recipe in the first place? Aren’t there any other ways?”

The answer is, yes. There are other ways by which you can lose fat, as much as you do by having this drink. But the main reason why you should try this recipe is that this is tried and tested.

It is also tasty and really easy to make, thus making it a go-to drink of many body-building professionals.

But as I said there are many other ways of losing weight/ fat loss, if you want to know about certain foods that promote fat loss then you can read Indian Weight Loss Diet Chart. Now, lets get on with the recipe.


The ingredients needed to make this exceptional drink are:

  1. Fresh Coriander Leaves (Dhania)
  2. Warm Water (Garam Paani)
  3. Lemon (Nimbu)
  4. Cinnamon (Daalcheeni)

That’s literally all you need to make your own Fat Cutter Drink. It is simple, but effective.

The Recipe

Just follow this simple and easy recipe to make your drink:

  1. Take 1/2 cup of Coriander Leaves and Place them in a Mixer Blender.
  2. Add little water to it.
  3. Blend it.
  4. Now pour the Coriander Juice in a Glass.
  5. Squeeze 1 Medium-Sized Lemon in the Coriander Juice.
  6. Add 1/4 tsp of Cinnamon in the juice.
  7. Add 1 Glass of Warm Water.
  8. Stir the drink well and serve.

That’s all you need to do in order to prepare an exceptional fat cutter drink.

When and How to Consume this Drink?

The ideal time to have this Fat Cutter Drink is early morning empty stomach. However, if you are having this drink later in the day, make sure you do not consume it within half an hour before/after having any other meal.

Since it is made from 100% natural ingredients, this drink is totally safe for consumption. But don’t over-consume this, having one glass twice a day works just fine!

That is all We Have for Today!

So guys, you know how to prepare your very own Fat Cutter Drink at home. This drink is really simple to make, and I’m sure it will help you lose that extra fat, or hit that cutting goal really fast!

If you have any other queries regarding this or any other topic, feel free to use the comment section. You can also reach out to me in my Social Media handles, the links are provided in the About section.

If you want more health related topics, you may visit healthline.com.

Thank you!

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