Healthy Protein Breakfast Recipe

High Protein Breakfast Recipe for Weight Loss– For Thyroid Patient

Do you know, according to many nutritionists breakfast must be the heaviest meal of the day. Our body craves food the greatest during day time. But many of us face the problem of not getting a proper breakfast option. We at recognize that need and hence bring you High Protein Breakfast recipe.

A healthy and hygienic diet is a must if we want to keep ourselves happy and fit in the long run. But due to our fast-paced routine, we fail to get that most of the time.

High Protein Breakfast Recipe

But worry not, this healthy breakfast snack is more than enough to meet your needs. It not only helps you lose some of your weight but is also good for people with the thyroid.

Having said that, let’s get on with the recipe. Read Weight Loss Drink Recipe, if you want a drink to help you lose weight!

NOTE: The ingredients mentioned in this recipe are easily available in any local grocery shop. So enjoy!

Why should you try this High Protein Breakfast Recipe?

You might ask me why do you need this all-new breakfast recipe when you can have something like instant noodles, or cornflakes? These food items are really popular and take just two minutes to make.

But would you rather spending 15 mins to make a proper breakfast, or flooding money like water due to ill health? Obviously, the first option.

If this major benefit doesn’t tempt you, I’ve got a few more:

  1. It’s tasty.
  2. Prepared easily.
  3. Make you a lot healthy.
  4. Helps in weight loss.
  5. Thyroid Patients can also have.
  6. It’s high in fiber and protein.

These are the benefits that you can get if you cook this dish. So, having that said let’s jump into the recipe.

BMI Calculator For Women,  I would recommend this one because it shows biological differences.

The Super Easy Recipe To Lose Weight

These are the steps to make high protein breakfast:



  • 1 Chopped Tomato.
  • 1/4 Onion/ Shallots.
  • 1/2 Carrot (Chopped).


  • Put all these ingredients in your mixer grinder.
  • Make sure they are mashed properly.
  • Once you have this add green chilis to make it spicier.


  • Take a large bowl.
  • Add 1/2 Cup Besan (Gram flour).
  • 1/4 Kashmiri Chili Powder should be added.
  • Add 1/2 Tsp Turmeric Powder.
  • Add 1/3 Tsp crushed Ajwain (Bishop’s weed).
  • 1/2 Tsp Black Pepper Powder Should be added.
  • Add 1/2 Tsp Jeera (Cumin).
  • Add 1/4 Tsp Hing (Asafoetida).
  • Now add the previously mashed vegetables.
  • Add some finely chopped chilli and coriander leaves.
  • Add salt, as per need.
  • Now add half cup of water, and mix the batter.
  • You can add some more water as per need, so that the batter should a bit mashy.


  • Take an iron pan, and rub it fully with oil.
  • Put the batter in the iron pan, and spread it as thinly as possible.
  • Add a cover on the pan, and let it cook in low flame for 1 minute.
  • Flip the cheela(cooked batter), and cook the other side as well.
  • Your high protein breakfast for weight loss – the Besan Cheela is ready to serve.

So That’s it Folks!

So that was it guys, freshly prepared besan cheela, a high protein breakfast. It’s super easy to make and is a healthy breakfast option.

Make sure you try it. You can also read 26 Weight Loss Tips!

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