Noni juice can help one get rid of cold, cough, fever, and many more. I will also discuss the useful benefits of using it read till last. Noni fruits used to treat various minor health problems such as muscle pains, burns, aches, the effects of aging, viral, and bacterial infections. And major health problems like high blood pressure, diabetes, inflammation, tumors, arthritis. This juice has anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, antihistamine, anti-inflammatory properties all of which help to boost immunity. It also protects your heart health. Some studies showed the people who consumed this on a daily basis showed improvement in their lipid profiles.
How Much Noni Should I Drink a Day?
Now comes how much quantity to drink per day. In one small study in healthy adults indicated that drinking 750ml to 800ml of noni juice per day is considered safe. A recommended starting dose is 1oz (29ml). Once or twice a day (morning and evening). It is best to drink this juice on an empty stomach first thing in the morning or half an hour before meals to get the best results. But people with chronic kidney disease or kidney failure may want to avoid this juice as it is high in potassium and may lead to unsafe levels of this compound in the blood.

7 Useful Benefits of Noni Juice
I have discussed useful benefits of using this –
- Anti-ageing – it fights the free radical, reverses the effects of ageing, and preserves the elasticity of the skin. Packed with Vitamin C and selenium.
- Prevents Cancer – noni extracts have anticancer effects both when used alone and with chemotherapy drugs.
- Boosts Immunity – it has anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, anti-histamine, and anti-inflammatory properties all of which help to boost immunity. It also has immune-stimulating properties.
- Scalp Irritation – antibacterial properties that help to boost the immune system can also help to treat scalp irritation.
- Moisturizes Skin – it is rich in antioxidants and works as a great moisturizer if applied on the skin. It helps recover dry, patchy skin and naturally replenishes and repairs your skin.
- Reduces Stress – it helps manage stress and reduces the impact of stress on cognitive function. But only this juice cannot give you the desired results. Along with it, you need to practice yoga with your daily dosage of this juice.
- Cures Arthritis – many studies claim that this juice is effective in reducing arthritis pain. It also reduces joint reduction implicated in arthritis.
Can Noni Juice Cure Cancer?
Noni might not totally cure cancer but noni extracts have anticancer effects both when used alone and with chemotherapy drugs. As it has tumor-fighting and immune-stimulating properties. Clinical trials are still going on as the National Cancer Institute has funded the preliminary research on noni juice for the treatment and prevention of breast cancer. Cancer patients taking this juice alongside their conventional treatment all report improved energy, and some reduction in their symptoms. It provides antioxidants and a variety of vitamins and minerals including potassium and Vitamin A.
Can Noni Juice Applied on Skin?
Noni juice is rich in antioxidants and works as a great moisturizer if applied on the skin. It is known to curb the negative effects of free radicals, which are known to damage one’s skin cells in the long run. Use this as a daily moisturizer and apply over the face, chest, neck, for a firm and soft skin tone. It naturally replenishes and repairs your skin. Noni acts as a natural anti-inflammatory helping to treat red, inflamed skin conditions making it an exceptional aid for sunburn relief. Noni also hydrates the skin without trapping heat and keeps your skin cool, allowing for a quick repair process. It also cures skin problems like acne, sunburn, pimples, patchy dry skin, blackheads, etc.
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Is Noni Juice Good for Diabetic Patients?
Patients with type II Diabetes are benefited from this, evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine supports the consumption of noni fruit juice to regulate elevated blood sugar levels in patients with type II diabetes. In fact, it is a very helpful treatment to cure diabetes and control blood sugar level problems the number of patients diagnosed with type II diabetes is on the increase worldwide. Consumption of the lowest recommended doses of noni fruit juice for a short period of 21 days was found to be safe in diabetic patients. By this, we end this article we will back again with another super amazing topic.
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