Push-ups are the exercise by which I have started my bodybuilding journey. And in this special article, I will share my experience on it, how I build my upper chest, I focused on how many kinds? per day the number of push-ups I did? how I have used this workout to build some other muscle? If you are a busy person, or if you cannot go to the gym due to lockdown then I must say this exercise will be the best for you. In short, why is it best? Easy to work out, no gym or special place required you can also do this on your home, no equipment required, quick result will take hardly thirty to forty minutes to complete.
How to Build Upper Chest?
Is it easy to build an upper chest without joining a gym? Well, my answer is the difficulty level to build a chest at home is moderate. Anything you do with proper dedication, concentration, patience & consistency will give you desired results. Let’s start from the beginning, get your legs in a decline position so that you feel pressure in the upper chest. decline push-up is a very effective workout for the upper chest. Within the first two sets of this workout, you can feel the pump on your upper chest. Within one month of this regular workout, you can see a defined line across the upper chest. Due to lockdown, I am doing this workout at home and getting perfect results. I suggest you do the same and if you face some difficulties in understanding the postures you may write in the comment section below we will surely reply.
What Push-ups Work What Muscles?
The list of 9 workouts that target different muscles –
Push-up Name | Target Muscle | Difficulty Level |
Classic | Chest, Large Pectoralis Muscle | Easy |
Staggered | Anterior Deltoid, Pectoralis Major (Upper & Lower), Shoulder | Moderate |
Cross Body | Abdominal Muscles, Obliques | Moderate |
Stacked | Core, Shoulder | Easy |
Reverse Hand | Back, Abs, Triceps | Hard |
Incline | Lower Chest | Moderate |
Decline | Upper Chest | Hard |
Spiderman | Abs, Obliques | Moderate |
Diamond | Triceps Brachii, Shoulder | Hard |

How Many Push-ups a Day?
I believe on the number of times or the maximum number of repetitions on each set than trying different variations. I mean to say that rather than doing three to four exercises on focusing single muscle you can do one to two exercises and try to do with the maximum number of repetitions this will give you a harder pump of that muscle. Now let’s see the sets and reps, actually, if you look closely then I have suggested a mix-up exercise. Decline push-up 3 sets of 10-12 reps each, incline push-up 3 sets of 10 reps each, diamond push-up 3 sets of 8 reps each, close grip push-up 2 sets of 6-8 reps each, finally classic push-up 3 sets of 10 reps each. After trying this workout chart you will definitely feel the pump all over your chest and arms.
Will Push-ups Build Muscle?
The answer to this question is yes. This will help you build muscle but it will take time as it is totally freehand without any equipment. Will give you a solid cut to your physique whether you are targeting to develop a bulky physique or targeting to develop the lean cut. Diamond push-up targets your triceps brachii, upper pectoralis major, anterior deltoid, lower pectoralis major, biceps brachii. As you have read how to build upper chest, the same way we workout incline push-up to build lower chest just keep in mind to keep the legs on the floor and hands-on inclining position. Close grip transfers the stress to your triceps with a secondary focus on your shoulders and inner chest. Wide grip transfers the stress primarily to your outer chest, shoulders, and back allows you to target those hard to reach muscles.
Push-ups Vs Bench Press?
Definitely bench press is the better option as compared to push-up but both are totally different. Bench press will give you faster results and comparatively this workout will give slower results. For the bench press, you have to join the gym to push heavyweights and for this workout, you don’t have to do so it’s totally freehand without any equipment. This workout is perfect during this lockdown situation. Everyone all around the world is now searching for “freehand exercise”, “exercises on home”, “how to build abs on home”, “weight loss on home”, the reason is that most of the gyms are now closed to control the rate of increase and to control the spread of coronavirus. All the fitness experts are suggesting doing exercises that can be done at home. Thanks for giving your precious time we will be back soon with another important topic.
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